Projects Power Line Alignemt

110kV-Leitung Umspannwerk Wien West - Kraftwerk Korneuburg
Austrian Power Grid AG
Documentation of the power line 
380kV-Salzburgleitung Trassenmarkierung und Waldauszeige
Austrian Power Grid AG
Documentation of the projected line routes and grubbing-up area
110kV-Leitung Wegscheid - Ernsthofen
Austrian Power Grid AG
Documentation of the power line 
380kV Bisamberg-Staatsgrenze (Sokolnice)
Austrian Power Grid AG
Data recording and elaboration of the documentations for the environmental impact assessment (EIA)
220kV-Ltg. Hessenberg-Weissenbach
Austrian Power Grid AG
Data recording and elaboration of the power line documentation
380kV-Ltg. Lienz-Tauern
Austrian Power Grid AG
Data recording and elaboration of the power line documentation
220kV-Ltg. Hessenberg-Obersielach
Austrian Power Grid AG
Data recording and elaboration of the power line documentation
380kV-Ltg. West Tyrol-Staatsgrenze Pradella
Austrian Power Grid AG
Data recording and elaboration of the power line documentation
380kV-Ltg. West Tyrol-Bürs
Austrian Power Grid AG
Data recording and elaboration of the power line documentation
380kV-Ltg. Tauern-Salzburg
Austrian Power Grid AG
Data recording and elaboration for the environemental impact assessment (EIA)
Stadtgemeinde Schwechat, Naturstand, Vienna
Stadtgemeinde Schwechat
Ongoing natural status recordings and fixture recording (laser scanning, tachymetric surveying, GPS surveying) of the municipality of Schwechat, which are transferred to a GIS fatabase (GIS application software: Geomedia).
since 2007
IPS Wittau T2, Lower Austria
OMV Austria Exploration & Production GmbH
Construction of the pipeline infrastructure for the extraction of one of the largest gas discoveries in Austria in recent decades. Approx. 11 km route with several parallel pipelines. Survey of installations, terrestrial nature survey for planning purposes and creation of mining maps. CAD plans of road and railroad crossings.In the further course: staking out the route, securing boundary evidence, monitoring measurement of the railroad tracks (pipe compression), recording the newly laid pipelines, surveying the gas drying plant, drawing up project and stock plans.
since 2023
OMV Austria Exploration & Production GmbH
Relocation and renewal of a gas main pipeline (approx. 2.3 + 0.4 km). Natural state survey for planning purposes, staking out, recording, securing boundary evidence, CAD of project and as-built plans (roads and water crossings, gas station).