Projects GMS.NeVi

A23 - Knoten Prater, Vienna
ARGE Knoten Prater
Fully automatic and permanent monitoring of the scaffolding while the concrete casting at the new bridge structure B0205.2
BVH Strohberggasse 22, Vienna
Premium Strohberggasse 22 GmbH
Installation and service of a monitoring system in Lainzer Tunnel durning the construction works inside the tunnel
Breitenseer Tunnel, Vienna
ÖVW Bauträger GmbH
Automatic monitoring system at Breitenseer Tunnel during the construction of a residential building in Huttengasse 20-24
Motorway M6, Tunnels C North and D North, Hungary
STRABAG AG Magyarországi Fióktelep
Monitoring the operating tunnel tubes of the M6 motorway during the carried out ground injections 
A13 Brennerautobahn, Tyrol
Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE
Permanent monitoring of the pillars and abutments of the Felperbrücke at the crossing of the Saxen tunnel in the course of the expansion of the Brenner-Basistunnel
Gasspeicher Schönkirchen-Reyersdorf und Matzen
OMV Austria Exploration & Production GmbH
Longtime monitoring of  land deformations during the filling and emtying of underground gas storages 
since 2012
Zentralwerkstätte Simmering, Vienna
Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG
Permantent monitoring of the pillars of the "Zentralwerkstätte" during the construction works
Büro- und Geschäftshochhaus, Vienna
Wien Mitte Immobilien GmbH
Automatic monitoring during the construction period on different elements 
Lainzer Tunnel, Baulos LT31, Vienna
Permanent, fully automatic monitoring of a ca. 1,5km long track area above Lainzer Tunnel